
Author: Jo Kirman

What’s New in August 2021

Jo looks at the main new items in your WFM tool for August 2021, including a change of name from Teleopti to New Calabrio WFM

What’s New In July?

This month sees development in 5 areas and 2 of them are the new screens we have learnt about in May and June so lots happening!

WFM post lockdown

A few reasons why life has changed in the contact centre world and tips for how to help your business through it.

What’s New In May part 2

Your May Part 2 video and blog is all about a great new screen – called Web Schedules! Where is it? Firstly go into your

What’s New In May part 1

Our Calabrio Teleopti WFM specialist guides you through what’s new this month, including changes to MyTime, Chat Bot, Web People and Reports.

What’s New in April

It’s April already and for those of us in the northern hemisphere it means the site of spring lambs in the fields and our first